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Missouri Dept. of
Natural Resources (DNR)


The Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) has begun an investigation of all wastewater treatment in Eagle Bay, due to its violations of the Missouri Clean Water Law (MCWL).  See the August 9th, 2023 correspondence below. We are working to form a wastewater management plan to resolve the situation. 


DNR submitted a geohydrologic evaluation request with the Missouri Geological Survey on behalf of the Eagle Bay board to have the staff conduct a geohydrologic survey of the entire subdivision. This survey is typically something engineering firms charge for. This survey is helping us save money on engineering costs. The Missouri Geological Survey staff has completed a geohydrologic evaluation of the entire subdivision, see March 5th, 2024 at the bottom of the page. This information aids in the formation of a wastewater management plan.


There is no wastewater dumping facility within Eagle Bay. The Benton County Health Department (BCHD) issued a formal stop order for the dump station on October 27th, 2022, posted below. All campers and RVs must be dumped off-site. It is a violation for a camper or RV to dump into a septic system or holding tank in Eagle Bay.


The board was sent a Notice and Order to Abate Violations on October 29th, 2024, posted below. Page 6 lists the corrective actions DNR has ordered the board to take. The board shall take any and all necessary actions to ensure wastewater vessels (holding tanks, on-site septic systems, or other similar containment vessels) within the subdivision are not illegally drained or dumped and that they are properly maintained to prevent wastewater discharges to the environment, even if this means implementing daily pumping and hauling requirements, or replacement of compromised vessels, or elimination of vessels. The board shall implement pumping and hauling of wastewater, as necessary, from all holding tanks or similar containment vessels within the subdivision to prevent any overflows or discharges of wastewater. The board shall maintain a pumping log showing the day, lot number or address, gallons pumped, and name of the permitted wastewater treatment facility accepting the wastewater for treatment and disposal. The board shall submit quarterly copies of the pumping log to the department.

Covenants and Restrictions can be found on the Documents/Forms page. Article 3 subsections C the board or their agents have the right to enter upon any lot to correct violations of restrictions and they will not be held liable for damage resulting from the correction or removal of those violations. Article 3 subsections D each lot owner shall be required to have their sewage disposal facility regularly pumped to assure compliance with the MCWL. The board shall maintain periodic inspections of all sewage disposal facilities. Upon the failure of any lot owner to properly maintain any sewage disposal facility in accordance with the standard set forth the board shall take action as shall be necessary to restore the facility to the approved standards at the expense of the owner.

Wastewater Management Committee Chair, Jon Offerman has removed himself from the Wastewater Management Committee. He is no longer available to inspect the systems in the subdivision. Christine Jackson has been appointed the new Committee Chair. The committee will be out making inspections at the beginning of December. 


As per the bylaws, the board must approve improvements made to a lot. The architectural review form can be found on the forms page of this website. DNR has stopped the installation of any new wastewater systems, which are required before any structure is placed on a lot. Construction and improvements have a set time limit for completion, so at this time, the board is not approving any new structures on any undeveloped multi-purpose/building lot. 

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